Thoughts: Speeding
This is me this morning riding the motorcyle to work:
Celso 1.0
What time is it?
Celso 2.0
Well, it’s… wait, I’m riding a motorcycle, let me make sure the coast is clear.
Wait, why am I even checking what time it is?
Celso 1.0
You need to know if you’re running late or not?
Celso 2.0
Well, if I’m running late, how is that going to change my behavior?
Celso 1.0
You will have to speed; weave in and out of traffic.
Celso 2.0
Why do I have to do that?
Celso 1.0
Well, you have to get to work on time, don’t you?
Celso 2.0
Yes, but it’s a little too late to make any difference in that. If I really wanted to not be in a rush, I would just leave home earlier.
Celso 1.0
Yeah, well, you did need to fill the gas tank….
Celso 2.0
Excuses, excuses. The fact is, it is too late to do anything about the time I will get to work. The best time to have an effect on that was earlier this morning, but I decided to not wake up in time for the gym, right?
Celso 1.0
Ok, ok, but you can still get to work earlier if you just speed up a little.
Celso 2.0
Well, let’s look at the opportunity cost here. How crucial is getting on time to work today? Am I on the verge of losing my job if I get there a few minuted late?
Celso 1.0
Well not really. You usually make it early and leave late. Today IS an exception.
Celso 2.0
And do I have a meeting I would be late to?
Celso 1.0
Celso 2.0
And, now, what is the cost I would be paying by speeding up and weaving in and out of traffic?
Celso 1.0
Well, you are significantly risking an accident (thereby your life). You could also get a traffic ticket. There have been lot’s of people pulled over in this area lately.
Celso 2.0
Ok, so for saving maybe a minute or two in my commute time, I would be paying the risk of a ticket and my life. Does that sound like a fair price to pay?
Celso 1.0
I guess not.
Celso 2.0
Nice. Glad that’s settled. Now I’m still stuck in this situation of getting to work a few minutes late. Instead of speeding, what can I do differently next time?
Celso 1.0
Well, I can stick to your morning routine; wake up early, go to the gym, shower, breakfast, and get to work. I do get to work early when I stick to doing all that.
Celso 2.0
It’s settled then. That’s what I need to do to not be in this situation again.